Hi, my name is Faith. I am currently a junior at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth. I am studying Sociology and Anthropology, along with a minor in Women and Gender Studies. I have my associate degree in general studies from Cape Cod Community College where I completed my last two years of high school. After I graduate from UMass Dartmouth, I will pursue a Ph.D. in anthropology.
I am studying these disciplines because I have a great interest in helping and providing for communities. These subjects allow me to do so in a positive way and they provide me with information on how best to go about that. I have studied and written many papers on racial injustices and societal issues that must be addressed to create an equitable world. I believe one of the first steps in creating a more equitable world is educating yourself on injustices that are occurring. This project specifically allows me to study the environmental injustices that Latino/a farmworkers face in Southern California, largely due to language barriers and legal status in the United States. This work has provided me with great information on what can be done to create positive changes that hopefully I will be able to help with in the future.